
In my mom's recent passing, I find solace in reflecting on the profound impact she had on my life through our shared love for music.

From my tender age of seven, mom introduced me to the enchanting world of piano music.

I can still vividly recall the moment I first heard her play – it was a mesmerizing experience that ignited within me a deep desire to make music.

Mom possessed an innate ability to recognize and nurture my musical talents from the outset. I'm forever indebted to her for the countless sacrifices she made to foster and encourage my growth as a musician.

Some of my fondest childhood memories are intertwined with our shared love for music – attending Syracuse Symphony concerts together, embarking on trips to piano competitions where her quiet yet unwavering support served as my anchor, and immersing ourselves in weeks of piano sessions at the summer home in Vermont of my beloved teacher, Mrs. Moore, R.I.P.

In hindsight, I realize how fortunate I was to have had that precious one-on-one time with my mom, moments that have left an indelible mark on my heart.

Despite the geographical distance between us over the past 37 years that I've been living in California, the bond between my mother and me remained unbreakable. While my siblings had the privilege of being physically closer to her, I cherished every opportunity to connect with her through frequent phone calls, FaceTime sessions (when she could figure it out and I could see more than her foreheard) and virtual concerts.

During the challenging times of the pandemic, music served as our unspoken language of love and connection. She attended all 30 of my weekly FaceBook Live concerts and she was the first call I made afterwards, her always telling me, “I don't know how you can keep getting better!” and then commenting on my dress and hair. I frequently had to remind her that haircuts weren't possible in California either.

I'm eternally grateful for the unwavering support of Steve, Pam, and Gail, who lovingly cared for her in person these past several years, while I found solace in sharing my music with her from afar.

On her recent 93rd birthday, despite the limitations of distance, technology bridged the gap as she joined me virtually for a concert I shared with members of my Piano Ninja Tricksters Club.

I'll always treasure a painting she created of dad that I keep to the left of me at my piano, in sight of viewers.

As I bid farewell to my dear mother, I find comfort in the thought that her love and presence will forever resonate in the melodies that fill my home. With every note I play, I feel her spirit guiding me, just as she did throughout my life.

When I return to my piano, I'll be reminded that she and dad are always by my side, their love and support eternal.

May her memory be a source of strength and inspiration for us all, a beacon of light in our darkest moments, and may her legacy of love and passion for music and the arts continue to echo through the hearts of those she touched.

Mom's Last Painting

Painted one month before her passing, now on display at her senior residence in Syracuse, NY. 

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