Piano Ninja Tricks for Chopin Etude Op. 10 No. 12 “Revolutionary” (Video)


Lisa shares ninja tricks for helping make the left hand easy while increasing tempo and leaping tricks for the right hand chords. Now you’re essentially able to get private instruction from her on one of her signature pieces of music.

Video Length: 34 Minutes.

SKU: PNT_ChEtRev Category:

Lisa Spector, Juilliard Alum and Your Piano Ninja, plays Chopin’s Revolutionary Etude in this exclusive video. While it’s a study for left hand, there are many challenges in the right hand as well. Lisa shares Piano Ninja Tricks for helping make the left hand easy while increasing tempo and leaping tricks for the right hand chords. She’s taught and performed this piece hundreds of times. Now you’re able to get personal instruction from her on one of her signature pieces of music.

Video Length: 30 Minutes


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